It was a fabulous postal day! LOL I received 2 packages today.
Quilters Quarters sent me a lovely 'thank you' fat quarter. And I received my Free Fabric Friday winnings (Karen purple Mod fabric) and my order from
Sew, Momma, Sew.

I could hardly contain my excitement taking the pictures...I wanted to tear open the pattern and get right to making Ellery some purple ruffly pants......but my morning has been spent hanging out with no water, waiting....and waiting and waiting. The plumber was to arrive promptly at 8:15 am....showed at 11 am! The electrician bless his heart was right on time at 9am...and the water softerner installers were here at 10 am. Something tells me that our system is complicated because it's 1:30 and the poor guy is STILL here. UGH!!
I called the plumber to fix our toilet....turns out my husband could have EASILY done it...but I didn't let the plumber off that easy. I had him switch a faucet for me in the downstairs 'water closet'....see what he didn't know before he got here was that a pedestal must be taken completely and I mean COMPLETELY apart before a new faucet can be installed. Ah he finally finished and hour and half later. That is something I am glad my hubby didn't have to contend with...he could have done it...but why?
Here's the old faucet.

And the brushed nickel...matches the rest of the house now!

So whenever this service person leaves I can get out of this house and get groceries and finish my daily duties and MAYBE just maybe I will get some 'play' time in and make Ellie those pants!
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