We attended my office Christmas party thursday night. It was fun except I was ill. Can those 2 terms be in the same sentence? Anyhow, It was a whirlwind night. All the girls exchange gifts and the coil basket below was one of the gifts. It is hand made with fabric wrapped clothesline. I took a picture becuase I was so impressed with it.

Here's my dinner...I ate 2 bites....

Pic look blurry? well I left it that way as it summed up how I felt....just quesy. I may have even had a fever. But I hung out long enough to get my gift...A SERGER! I have wanted one of these since I was 17 in home-ec class. I can't wait to use it.

So after all that I headed home to have a horrible nights rest. E was up 5 times in the night and then the alarm went off at 4:45am to be up in time to drive to the hospital 30 miles away! I was beat. E had her surgery on her ears and did fantastic of course. As parents you always worry when I child goes under anesthesia.
Today we ventured to see my accountant and to Kohl's. I was trying to find some clothes for our cruise in January. Ugh I hate 'looking' for things ....as I never find them when I want them.
It snowed a TON here today and weather is getting worse and worse. We are 'hunkered' down here until monday...could be then too!
Oh and as you probably guess, my illness is subsiding. Could have been the Z-pak??? I don't know. Unfortunately my Hubby is sick like I was. It never ends.
My MIL is here to help out for a few days. her and G the older daughter made holiday cookies and sweets. Yeah for my MIL...bring on the sweets!