I have spent the last 2 days just getting stuff more organized. I hate to make resolutions because I won't follow through. I am continuing to work on projects and life changes that I began in 2007...seems like a better plan for me. I am very tempted to join the Stash Reduction Challenge for 2008 though.
Judy has a link system set up to check on others progress and keep motivated.
Hanne has made a badge for it and again I am tempted. I have so much fabric, crafts, yarn and wool that I could go my life time and not buy much more. I am also tempted to join
Kim's WIP challenge for january. I am going on a cruise though and so the next 2 weeks will be getting ready for that and then going and then coming home and getting into the routine again so...likely quilting a WIP is out of the question.
While in SC I made this little quilt top from the new Mary Englebreit fabrics for Moda....polka dots...hey
Sharon...polka dots!

And this is the fabric of my new chair...I need to make a quilt pulling out some of these colors.

And for those who know me more personally this is my little one...figuring out that she can go 'up' now...oh boy yikes she's only 9 months!
nice quilt.........oh and life will not be the same gain if the little one can walk around the furniture..........
LOVE the chair. Where do you buy your fabrics?
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