I have been sitting on this issue for days. After reading Sharon's blog Red Geranium Cottage and this comment on blogger giveaways particularly Sharon's;
"There is one thing I must say because it's been bothering me, a certain someone has said that I give things to people just to buy friends."
Sharon is a fabulous blogger whom I read often, as often as she posts. Granted I have never met her personally but I believe she is a genuine individual. She writes about herself, her life and trials and tribulations and pokes at fun at life in general. She also blogs about her adventures and people she meets. I find it irritating that there is someone out there that would say she is giving things away to 'buy' friends. There are sooo many generous bloggers out there, it is so insulting to say such a thing. I am not going to continue to Rant on this but to offer in my support of Sharon...a giveaway!!! I have made 3 cute little pincushions with the new Mary Engelbreit fabrics from Moda. All I have left is to stuff them...so leave a comment here before February 8th and I will draw for 3 lucky winners.
* I am sooo pleased by the response from everyone, I do believe I will be drawing a few more than 3 names....hmm not sure how many...perhaps a pincushion to the first 3 and then after that it's my choice! Oh this could be more fun....
OOOooohhh, they are just too cute, I must have one. Please put my name in the hat.
BTW, I will be your friend anyway, even if I don't win.
Oh this is so nice of you. I love pincushions What a great idea.
I also could not believe someone would say that about Sharon...I posted about her too on my blog in support of her.
I think this person has to get a life!
Sharon is so giving and so funny I enjoy her blog so much.
The pincushion is lovely. Ah, jealously is a horrible thing isn't it? You know that nasty person was jealous of the friends we all have in blogland.
Well please count me in! I love her blog too. She has so many fun pictures and stuff to read.
Connie W / Simply Quilted
Thank you for doing this giveaway! I agree with you, that there are a lot of generous bloggers out there. You know this just from reading their posts. I do love her blog as well. Your pincushions are great!! Good luck to all!!
As one of those bloggers who has done giveaways -- um, yeah. What you said. Oh, and as for the ones you are giving away -- ME, ME, ME!!!
I love Sharons blog too. I found her when she was my SSCS swap partner and back-read loads of her posts to get to know her. She is a very funny lady and genuine too.
This is a lovely idea in support of her. Please count me in x
I Love you blog and the pincushions - count me a a friend also!! Anne
Hellooooo,it's ME!!! And I BETTER win me one of those lovely pincushions. I'm just sayin!!!
Thanks for doing this give away. That's very nice of you. This "person" wouldn't even look at Carol and I at the quilt show when we were by her booth. Very sad that she owns a quit shop and can be this nasty huh?
Please draw my name...I love the pincushions! Love your talent too! I hate to see people spoil blogs...it is unfortunate that they end up spoiling it for us all. Keep up the great work all of you bloggers!
Mary Jo
what the dickens is the world coming too-I love to make things and give them away,and often send little gifts just because I want too...how shameful of this person to say such things - I have made some good friends on th einternet and in blogland...well I guess she has trouble comunicating eh???hmmmm...good on you Vickie for doing this in support of Sharon,
cheers Vickie(Humpty Doo,Aus)
How sweet of you Vickie, I'm with you, Sharon is such a sweetie, who wouldn't like her? Hmm perhaps we could get the ball rolling here with some giveaways. Would you mind if I followed your lead?
Well hey -- you can buy me with a pincushion LOL! You can even buy me without a pincushion. What a fun idea! Sharon is such fun and it's irritating to know that someone said something so stupid. I love the colors in your pincushion -- it's cute!
Oooh, I could use a pincushion, don't have any! Eh, unless you count the carpet. ;)
I found you through Sharon and I agree we have giveaways because we are very generous people and want to share with our fellow bloggers.
Your pincushions are adorable...I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Love that new fabric! Your pincushions are adorable.I enjoy Sharon's blog also. Those girls in southern CA have a very good time!
You have made some very cute pincushions. They look wonderful! :-) Please include me in your drawing... and if I win please send the pin cushion to Sharon at Red Geranium Cottage. I read her blog quite often and she seems like a very kind and genuine person to me. Unfortunately there will always be jealous backstabbers out there... they really need to get a life of their own instead of talking bad about others.
These are precious, and I would love to have one. I also enjoy Sharon's blog and she always makes my day a little brighter. Thanks for honoring her in this way
I agree with you Sharon's blogs are so funny to read. I really enjoy them. I'm so sorry her and hubby are going through a tough time a the moment.
Your pincushions are just fabulous.
Such cute pincushions !!! and what a nice thing to do !! I agree with you ... I think Sharon is one of the nicest, funniest, and generous bloggers in Blogland !
You are so right about Sharon being genuine--I have met her in person and she is a sweetie pie :) I love M.E. and I love pincushions so I'm pretty sure you should pick me :)
Why are people like that, so miserable!! If they can't say anything nice they should just be quiet-makes me so mad. I love the pincushions.
well, I HAVE met Sharon, and she is everything you say and more, a very encouraging friend who offers her help and its sad some people are so jealous that they say mean things about her, and that all Im gonna say on the subject....and dang those are some sweet pincushions!!!! You are sweet for doing this in support of her!
Sharon is the greatest and nothing could make me feel otherwise. xo to Sharon!!!
Those pincushions are just fab... I would love to win one, thanks for the chance.
Vickie thanks for doing this for Sharon...she is truly generous, caring and sharing. I have never had more fun than I had that week I spent with her. She is a once in a lifetime friend and I'm thrilled she's my friend. Love those pin cushions!
Ooooo...I totally agree with you about what a wonderful person Sharon is & how enjoyable her blog is...it's so sad that she has a stalker who tries to poo-poo all her fun :(
Anyhoo, I have been coveting that Mary E. fabric so pleeeeeease enter me a thousand times in your drawing :)
Thanks, DianeM basketblessed@yahoo.com
I'm a pincushion junkie! Thank you for hosting the give-away, and for supporting Sharon!
I love those pincushions!! and I love Sharons blog! It's inspirational and sooo funny! It makes my morning! Thanks, Libby
You are so right..Thanks for adding my name..Toni
Oooh! Put my name in. I am a transplanted to Florida Northeastern Ohioan.
I agree with your comments!
I think your giveaway is a wonderful idea - I know you've made Sharon's day for sure! She is such a dear person, and I am lucky to call her a dear friend. I don't care if I win or not(although I wouldn't say no to a pincushion), I just had to comment that I think what you're doing is heartfelt and lovely.
Well, count me in on the fun! The pincushions are so cute! I'm certain one has my name on it.
BTW - I'm at the top of Sharon's fan club!!
I absolutely love to read all of your blogs. I haven't one of my own but reading yours makes me feel a connection with internet friends and I feel as though I've gotten to know you all. Many a time I would love to have a surprise package at my door step from a blogging friend....I think it is absolutely wonderful the little gifties that go back and forth in the mail to each other. It just sounds like somebody is jealous to me! Sharon.....if your reading this....keep blogging! Mary eodfly@yahoo.com
Well, I think you should reveal who the nasty quilt shop owner is, so a proper boycott can begin!
Love the pincushions, but if I win, please send it to Sharon!
Love her blog and her fun times.
cool idea! Buy Me! Buy Me! LOL - nice blog, I'll be back!
What a delightful idea! And, the pincushions are soooooooo cute. Please toss my name in the hat.
Very CUTE!
Sharon does not need to buy friends! She has a dynamic personality that people are DRAWN to! Phooey on cranky insecure people who leave mean comments!
If Sharon buys friends, I'm glad she bought me. And you Vickie, can have a piece of me too--just let me enter this giveaway. Those pincushions are too cute. And don't let the people who don't know what the word "friendship" means get you down.
Thank you for supporting Sharon. I was amazed that in this generous, caring, and sharing world of quilters there was such a bad apple. You are peach for doing this. Have a great weekend. Cheers.
Good for you! My bristles went up at that comment also - Sharon deserves a lot better. I completely support her, and you for such a high-visibility support.
What a lovely gesture and the pincushions are so sweet.
What a nice thing to do for another blogger. I enjoy reading Sharon's blog- she always has a good story to share- It is always reaffirming to see the support other quilters give one another- it really is a caring community.
I have seen pictures of your pin cushions - they are very cute - One will be very lucky to win one...
Regards from a western canadian quilter,
That's very nice of you! Please add my name...
Vickie, you are so sweet to do this! I know you don't have a lot of extra time, but you are also a very giving person. I sure would love to win one of your pincushions! Your quilting bud!
I believe this is the first time I have been to your blog, I came here after I read Sharon's blog (which I found very entertaining)for the first time after I had read Linda's post about this.
I will say what I said to her, I just don't think there is ever a reason for someone to be mean to someone else.
You do lovely work! I will be back to visit again soon.
Beautiful. I would like my name put in. And may I say that quilter's are the most generous people in the WORLD! There is no ulterior motive from Sharon or any other quilter I have "met" on blogger. All the quilter's I know here would give you the fabric out of their bin and if they did not have it they would go buy it for you!!
Obviously, whoever said those nasty things doesn't understand the concept of 'community of friends' because they obviously have none! I enjoy reading blogs of quilters/crafters because they give a real feel of sisterhood. Keep it up! Count me in!
Vickie it was so nice of you to honor Sharon this way. I am sure she is incredibly honored by your comments. I would love to have one of the pincushions on my sewing table.
Some people are just unhappy inside and take it out on others, usually very nice others.
Mean people suck!!!
sorry, back to the point. So in honor of Sharon I'm entering your giveaway! Thanks for doing this.
Your support is heartwarming and the pincushion is adorable. Keep up the good work on both fronts.
You know, we all have bad days, maybe whomever said that just felt like she/he never wins anything! Live goes on... I just came over from another blog cause she mentioned that you were supporting Sharon! Good for you. Way to be a friend! We can all learn a lesson that well. It takes a friend to be a friend! Hang in there. Jean-o
Yeah, I'm glad that she mentioned your blog. It gives me another talented person to add to my blogroll. I love looking at all the pretty things being made by you talented people, it gives me something to strive for.
Love the pincushion. I don't understand how some people can say things about someone they dont' know. Please visit my blog for my latest give away.
You are a sweetheart to be supporting Sharon like this. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks,
That poor sad Sally girl seemed to pass judgment on something that was none of her business. I seriously doubt she or any of us know every bit of information regarding the care of this man and we shouldn't need to! So, on with the giveaways and sharing of all things quilting! We need to give FIL something to laugh about! :O)
I've just been over to Sharon's blog and told her she needn't feel the need to apologize for her actions...a shame there has to be a bad raisin in the bunch!
How nice of you to support her and nice to know there are so many kind bloggers out there!
What cute pincushions! I just stumbled on your blog, and will enjoy reading through it.
Linda T in ON, Canada
go girls.......
Thanks for your support of Sharon. Love your pincushions and your generous spirit!
Thanks for offering the giveaway for these cute pincushions. I've never met Sharon either but we email each other from time to time. I find her to be a very nice person & a lot of fun. I don't understand why some people choose to be so cruel. Life is too short!
Some people are just mean spirited. How could anyone think Sharon or anyone was giving things to buy friends? It's obvious her generousity is from the heart, as is yours. I would love to win one of your pincushions, but I'll be your friend and avid blog reader, even if I don't win!
Sweet little pincushion. Don't know Sharon but sorry to hear someone is harassing her.
Why do some people have to be so mean. Sharon is s good person. Good for you for supporting her this way and I love pin cushions.
Adorable pincushions! And a great idea to support a fellow quilter. As I have only recently found all these wonderful blogs, I am reminded that this amazing thing called the computer has expanded our definition of a "quilting bee". Just like the bees of my grandmothers day, we have nice people and not so nice people, and the nice ones will always give of themselves no matter what. What an amazing world we live in now, to be able to share our joys and sorrows with likeminded people around the world instead of just in our little neighborhood. Anyway, long comment just to say thanks for being one of those nice people and supporting your friend!
OOOOOH! Pick me, pick me! They are really sweet! I think it's very kind of you to show support to others. I read blogs with or without giveaways, but they are more fun with them!
I love all the support for Sharon and am SO NOT SURPRISED! I'll be jumping on the bandwagon too... following your and Linda's footsteps!!
And my comment here has nothing to do the oh so adorable and absolutely stinkin' cute pincushion I'm totally jonesing... but it's not going to stop me from crossing my fingers and toes!
Please count me in! Please dont let negativity stop your creativity. xx
The pincushions are soooo pretty!
I can't believe that people say such petty bizarre things...
Oh please enter me! They are so adorable!
I am so sorry that someone would say such a hateful thing. I think some people need to follow Thumper's advice, "if you can't say something nice don't say nothin at all>) :) Have a great day Jenn
I love the pin cushions! I have a collection! One of these would make a great addition!!
Vickie P
I would like to offer my support to Sharon of Red Geranium and to be considered for your giveaway pincushion.
Tina Dillon
I can't say enough How I enjoy all the blogs I am a shut in so it gives me a chance to see all the new things in the sewing world. To meet new friends...I want to Thank you all for inviting me to your blogs :)
Helen from N.Y
Very nice of you to support Sharon in this way. The pincushions are very sweet.
They are very cute. Linda pointed me in your direction, I think what you are doing is fabulous.
Love those pincushions! Love M.E. too. Can't get enough. Pick me!
I'm a regular reader on Linda's blog which is how I found my way here.
You and Linda are doing such a nice thing in support of Sharon.
Tooo cute...Toni
I just came from Sharons blog, and I am astonished that anyone would dislike it or her. I think that she is creative and I like reading her. I am glad that Mary Anne of Moonbeams in a jar suggested you as well. the pin cushions are very sweet. Susan
Sharon's blog is worthy of itself whether she gives things away or not. Your pinchushions are just darling.
I agree with you - I've been reading Sharon's blog for quite a while also and think she is a genuine caring person. Thanks for being her friend. If I win the pincushions, you can contact me at dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
Love pincushions! You are seeing them everywhere now in peoeple's blogs. :) I love giveaways too LOL. I just gave away a quilt a few wks ago.
Your pincusions are adorable...I know Sharon is a wonderful girl.. if you knew her you know she doesn't buy friends...
Kim azkimbo@yahoo.com
Lovely pin cushions and a great way to support a friend!
Wouldn't the world be a nicer place if these people didn't think like that. Your pincusions are great. Keep up the lovely work.
Bev C
What a great idea.. I just did the pay it foreward thing, posted the gifts off within the week.. My hubby thought it was odd, sending stuffs to people we dont know and probably never likely to meet, but I think 99.9% of quilters are generous with their time, their giving and their stash!
This year I have chosen to ignore negative people, you can't please everyone all the time, I LOVE Sharons blog, I always get a giggle out of it and I wish her nothing but happiness..
take care!
What a lovely idea! Please add me to your list :)
I have come to the conclusion you cannot out give a crafter. They are the most generous people I know
Janet McKinney
Oh! What a nasty nasty person that is. Just count me in on the give away for that cute pincushion. I just love what you all do.
I think I am the 90th person to comment, I think they are so nice I just had to put my name down
Just as there are some nasty bloggers/comment leavers out there, there are nice people like you (and Sharon, of course). I love seeing everyone support each other. Please throw me in your drawing for the adorable pin cushions. love them!
I'm in support of Sharon and all women who blog. I think give-aways are great and it certainly isn't to buy friends, its to share. If we didn't share what would life be like? I love the new ME fabric and the pincushion is darling.
All I have to say is HOORAY for the blogging community! Unity, Loyalty, and Honor!!!
I don't even care if I win, I feel lucky to have been apart of it
thanks for sharing, (isn't that what it's called?)
oh how sweet. I'm so chicken to comment on these giveaways b/c my blog is so palty! but this one I can't resist...maybe it will improve my bloggin!
Pls put me in the draw i looove pressies. Thanks for being so generous.
Ohhh what a wonderful idea....you bloggers are the best. I just found Sharon and love her y some people have to be so hurtfull. I love your pincushion and would love to have my name entered.
Thanks for the generosity!
how nice of you to offer a giveaway & to say such nice things about a fellow blogger, it's people like you who have inspired me to give blogging a try ( whether or not anything is given away...) I hope to start some giveaways once I get used to posting...not to gain anyone's attention, just to share the wealth of happiness that is out there to share!-Tina
I won an adorable bag from Sharon, so I guess I am one of the blogging friends she bought. I am so glad. She is such a giving, sweet person.
So, in honor of Sharon, please enter me in your drawing.
How sweet of you to do this! I'm in--thanks so much!
I think the majority of us crafty folk are the most generous people on earth. We spend hours on our gifts and it is good to know that when it is passed on it is cherished because it is handmade. Giveaways on blogs are so much fun, I haven't won one yet but I don't care it's fun browsing and seeing what everyone is up to. I'm going to blog hop to Sharon's now..See Ya!
This is so beautiful you are very generous.
I have been the recipient of one of Sharon's marvelous give aways. I never thought that she was buying my friendship. My only thought was how generous she is!
Oooh, cute cute cute! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thank you for a chance to win a beautiful piece of artwork!
Thank you for offering the pin cushions. Please include me in the give-away.
Well GOOD for YOU for not letting someone else influence your choice of friends. Whoever he/she is...as long as they get a reaction they will continue to post negative comments. As soon as everyone just ignores him/her...they will go find someone else to bother. This person is miserable and probably has a miserable life and it brings them joy to cause trouble. I know that you know this...but sometimes just reading that others agree with you confirms it.
I love pincushions and collect them and it would bring me great joy to have one of yours!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!
I think it is a good thing to support sharon. and not bother about bad blog comments.
I wuold love to be in your giveaway. Solvi in Norway
I'm your friend already LOL
I love pincushions!!
I had never been on Sharon's blog before and thanks to this I spent so much time there yesterday, it was fun! Love this thoughtful thing that you are doing. Can't wait to tackle your Strawberry Delight Needlebook, it is delightful indeed.
Love the cute little pincushions!!
I'm not posting to win...just to add my 2 cents...giveaways are fun and the folks I know are just plain generous and nice people who love to share! Maybe this person missed the whole what did you learn in Kindergarten lesson...SHARING!
Very cute pincushions! I would love to be a winner. Thank you for adding my name.
I found your blog via Red Geranium Cottage and am totally intrigued by your blogger friendships. I am new to blogging---just since August and I think I started it so I could find friendships like this.
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