I finally took a pic of this awesome hand thrown wood kiln fired pottery. I bought this near Big Prairie, Ohio. They only fire twice a year and I happened to be near the shop during spring opening weekend. I just love the concept of hand made pottery....instead of 'made in China'......
My friday rest was having a manicure and pedicure....hey I used a gift card from Christmas 2006! LOL I tell you...my time is soo limited that I had to force myself to use the card. Only catch with it, was that the spa is 40 minutes from my house. Had it been the local nails shop I'd have been there the very next week! Still it felt great...and yet another sign of spring and open toed shoes.
Ah have I mentioned that DD2 loves fabric? she can't stay out of it...
But who can be made at THAT face....I love my little squeezy poof.....

Oh and I did start another WIP.....I cut all the strips for the Ruffles and Rows kit and made about half of the yo-yo's and the prairie points as well. I've gotten a good start on it.
Now it's monday night, the girls are fast asleep and I should be too. I just can't stop thinking about the night I've missed. I was invited to a reception for Ted Storm. Her quilt won best of show this year at AQS in Paducah.
A mutual friend is having a big party for her. A couple of my other quilting buddies came ALL the way from Tennessee for this event...but I am home...an hour plus drive away from the action. It about breaks my heart that I will miss seeing them, miss the opportunity to meet Ted....but it wasn't meant to be. Hubby is out of town...and no sitter.....well I have to look on the bright side and hope they took pictures!
Oh and I did start another WIP.....I cut all the strips for the Ruffles and Rows kit and made about half of the yo-yo's and the prairie points as well. I've gotten a good start on it.