Yes it's been raining...and ALL the yard work we'd hope to do this weekend has been put on hold. But that has given me some time to finish up some projects....and get started on some new ones. This little quilt was made from about 1 inch scrap strips and originally I was going to make a pincushion or something with the strip....instead I used some scrap Lakehouse pink polka dot fabric and this little guy was 'born'. I used size 5 pearl cotton and big stitch hand quilting on it to practice my technique. The angle of the picture makes it appear like it is uneven at the bottom but it isn't. Can you see that little
Raggedy Annie there? She just came to live at my house! Yippeee....

These are going to be used to fix.......


I made this table topper and thought it looked real simple...come on, 20 5 inch charms for the center and 18 half circles for the hard could this be? well I'll tell you...those circles...took forever AND when I finally layered it and sewed and turned it out, I had a mess. The corners were/are terrible....I took it apart 5 times! and it didn't look any better. SO I decided to cover up the mistakes with buttons!!
*Update: I finished putting the buttons on and the toppers looks pretty good...and DD1 and DD2 love it! Yeah I impressed someone.....

This is a sneak peak at my latest project....what's with my photography skills today? guess I was in a hurry...anyhow blurry cherry baby scraps...will be turned into a lovely lil' quilt soon.

Oh Oh Oh looky what I got today...the local quilt shop was participating in a shop hop and I thought I'd stop and see if she had the new Quilt Sampler and sure enough she did....I'm on a lucky streak??? maybe.....And the quilt below was designed by the shop owner...I have 4 blocks made and all the triangle pairs sewn. mmm I love this quilt aqua and a mix of colors for spice/interest. I wish I could put together fabrics like her.

I went to JoAnn's armed with 3 coupons...and got these. I have needed some inspiration for my machine quilting and so I am going to try these follow the line patterns.

Some embellishments I picked up at Hobby Lobby today....flower rick cute.

This here is the second best tip I learned at my quilt away weekend....who'd a thunk that a Rubbermaid container was the EXACT size for carrying my magnetic pincushion....those ladies are geniuses I tell you...geniuses....

Well I off to finish quilting another small quilt. I was going to hand quilt it, then I got machine it is....but it's looking great so far. Wish me luck LOL
Oh I love all of those cheerful projects. Sometimes smaller projects lift the spirits! That ricrac is unusual and quite neat. I will have to stop by there and pick that up. That charm pattern is cute...too bad to hear it is a pain, I will avoid it. Happy sewing.
Oh my goodness so much eye candy here!! I love that little miniture soo cute. I just started a top in fresh squeezed for my mom for mother's day yours is adorable!!
Love the little scrap quilt. I have flowery rick rack that I have yet to use because of lack of inspiration.
Ooooh, look at all your goodies! I love your cute little quilt made from scraps with the pink polkie fabric too cute. Looks like I need a trip to B&N this weekend for the new Quilt Sampler!
Catching up again! Love all the eye candy you've given us! You sure stay busy. :) We missed you at Ted's reception, but understand. Glad to hear you had a great time at your Quilter's Weekend--and K thanks you for squeezing some time out to fix his tooth! I love the new rick rack you got and all your charm packs!
Hi Lady!! am trying again to post to you. LOl Love the fresh squeezed and i wanna see your round corners!!
Sorry about your shop experience. next one will be better . pat-tay
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