Time certainly flies when you are having fun...or not...
I spent my weekend at continuing education course. It was phenomenal! I was inspired and learned so much. Yet somehow I am not feeling blog motivated. I think about my blog and then I think "ehn...not doing that tonight...I'll head to bed instead". It's not that I'm not inspired...because I am...I have been working on projects, but nothing is to a point I want to show it. Ok I'll show some of it......

Fresh Cut by Heather Bailey...and it's 'fresh cut' LOL....I took ALL 40 FQ's and cut em up...I think I will get 2 quilts out of it.....just wait and see.

I need another quilt away weekend!!!!!!! Perhaps I will do that one of these days with my close friends down south? In the mean time...my husband and I are heading to Vegas. You know what? all I want to do is rest and sleep...but then...I won't sleep..I'm not sleeping now and I could be. I think it is just mental exhaustion. Where will I put my 110% today? children, husband, hobby, work?? where...I want to give so much of myself to all of them. It seems if we are great in one thing, another suffers.
I received my fat quarter shop order today...once again I should be over joyed...but I'm kinda just content. Don't be fooled as the fabrics are fabulous.

I took advantage of their sale and bought 4 - 1 yard pieces of odds and ends to go with some charm packs I have. And some discounted kits I had planned on buying full price....actually just typing this entry is getting my motivated to quilt something....I am excited I got sales on these!!!!!!!!!

I also splurged on the new book Have your Cake and Eat it too.

Um it's just O-K. It's hard to buy books when you can't see the projects inside. But I did get a super duper cute pattern by Black Mountain called "Chubby Chicks" OMG it's sooooo dang cute...love it I will make it, I WILL make it....

and Baby Fats...a great simple baby quilt book....and it was 50% off! woohoo...

And let's talk about Terry Atkinson's new book "Let's do Lunch"....um so many potentially great table toppers

I could go on and on but I have to get to bed! Oh and one other thing, I have been asked about the Jelly Quilts book....um All I can say it "Buy it"...I don't think you'll be disappointed. They have some seriously clever ways to make those quilts...and there is a quilt holder bag pattern in the book...um ingenious idea.
Love all that Heather Bailey Fresh Cut fabric!
Also, I think your blog header is so cute.
Lets Do Lunch book is definately on my "to get" list, as I love making table runners.
Youv'e got some great fabrics and books there. Enjoy.
Well for not being motivated to blog you sure got a great post out :) I'm laughing cuz I said the same thing when I cut my Fresh Cut...called it Freshly cut fresh cut...gmta? I can't wait to see what you're doing with yours, mine is on my design wall even as I type and I'm hoping to get my blocks sewn together today!
my girl has just finished a Fresh Cuts quilt and it is being quilted at the moment......great range........
what is the book like.........I looked at it the other day........
I have a quilt started with the Freshcut fabs too. I need to get back to that. I love those fabs. Looks like you've been doing some serious shopping over there.
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