I mean it's suppose to be vacation but all the driving to get here hardly seems worth it. Doesn't do much for stash reduction but there ARE 2 quilt shops to visit...so I can't complain. AND I did read half of "Twenty Wishes" in the car and did some hand sewing. Thus far "Twenty" is a good read. I'd like to make 20 wishes...hmm..maybe I will!

I picked a couple of 'other' books at the local quilt shops yesterday...come on, did you think I wouldn't go?? LOL Well I LOVE Anka's Treasure patterns and books and this one is no exception. There are patterns for layer cakes in this one. I recommend it! I also bought Strips and Strings. A gal I know bought this back in Ohio and I have searched several places for it. I almost went to Amazon to buy it!

This particular quilt done in Simplicity by Moda was a featured quilt at another local quilt shop. Jane was in love and I liked it too....but I found 3 or 4 other quilts I'd like to make from this book. I have been trying to limit my purchases to quilt books that have 3-4 projects I like...instead of just one.

While we were out shopping we found a store called CATO. I was really interested in their outfits, and was astonished to find 5 shirts! and a pair of jean capris. There were so many great clothes there. I wasn't even looking for anything in particular but I found some great summer tops. I think they will be good for work.
Oh and we DID get to the beach today...it was sunny and 90 degrees. Then we went to my friends' house and swam in their pool. Even my parents swam. So far it's been a great trip!

Sounds like a great vacation so far! Some reading, some sewing, some shopping, some fun...well it's all fun!! Stay cool and continue to have fun!
Thanks for the visit! Before I say anything else, happy vacationing and I really like that Autumn splendor pattern you pictured. Onto your question you left me, it is called Blog List and then you select it to show you when the blog was updated. It is pretty cool because you know when the blogs were updated without checking. Unfortunately it does take some time to do because you have to re-enter all of your links. It seems like they could find a way for you to transfer your information easily. However, I really do like this feature and it is worth the time it takes.
Your quilt books look really fun. I need to pay more attention to quilt books -- I don't think I've heard of Anka's Treasures.
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