Okay I am going to do better book reviews in this post. In the past I have just posted what I bought but I am trying to be more thorough and hence...more descriptive in my reviews.....
So o-k this is a pattern, not a book....but like I said I punched a few buttons last week and this is the result! Bloom Creek designed this cutie..I am wondering if I can sub the letters for QUILTER instead of welcome???

Now this little book Big Blocks, BIG Quilts by Design Originals...um it's eye candy for me...

I want to make THIS....

AND THIS............................

And especially THIS>>>>>>>

I would say that Big Blocks, BIG Quilts is a great book...the best I have seen for layer cake quilts. Now as I was saying...candy...I mean cake, yes cake....Well this book sums it ALL up..."Let Them Eat Cake"....yummy pincushions galore...and quilts, tabletopper, pillows, recipes!!!!! I can't wait to delve into one of these projects...Btw..it has 2 front covers....it's what I call a 'flip' book...not sure what the technical name is...anyhow...it's cool.

AND if those weren't enough I bought a new Jelly roll book by D. Originals...and I want to make this.....


So my "want" list keeps growing...but I did manage to work on a few things while the baby napped. I used a Posh charm pack and an Omnigrid windmill template and ended up with this....
SO now I have another project to quilt.

Oh and I made this tabletopper from the book by Anka's Treasures...it's new...but I modified the pattern because I only had FQ's and so I made the length..22 inches and the center strip is 6.5 inches instead of 8.5 in the book.

And last but certainly not least, I DID finish my Mystery BOM from the Fat Quarter Shop!

I've got about 5 or 6 other projects in different stages. I hope to make some progress on them this week.

Thanks for the review! :o) So my quilts so little time.....
Vickie, I've enjoyed looking through your blog! And WOW... you sure buy a lot of books, but I love it because so many of them I haven't seen. (If I leave the house, I spend money!) Thanks for sharing your thoughts on them.
P.S. In Hilliard here...where are you?
Oh my goodness, what a lot of eye candy in this post!!! You are using a lot of my very favorite fabrics in your projects...love 'em all!! And thank you for the book reviews, I'm adding to my Amazon wish list :)
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