I was button pushing last week. Fat quarter shop had a huge sale...well they always have stuff on sale...but they had what
I wanted on sale! SO here's the stack...21 pounds Yikes!

I bought the fabric for this >>>>> from McCall's quilting I think the newest issue August 2008. I had a picture but somehow deleted it just now...dang blogger!

And border fabric for this quilt >>>

AND layer cake for this plus borders...

Found in this book "the Sweet Life" by Anka's Treasures.

I also wanted to show a book...I don't read japanese..but it's a book from my local quilt shop. She ordered it to see what projects were like....needless to say I grabbed it up right away!

Some cute quilty projects...

Hi Vickie,
Simply love that Japanes book, the photo's are gorgeous. Let me know how you go with some of the projects. I might have to keep an eye out for it.
Happy Stithcing,
Dang Vickie, I'm droooooling big time! I didn't know FQS had a sale. Missed that one. I love japanese craft books! One of these days I will make something from one of those books.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Take care!
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