Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Birthday...Happy Birthday....

Ok this picture has nothing to do with the birthday but I DID have a great/wonderful mail day today. Terri from Atkinson's Designs sent me her newest book on Fat Quarter Fonts. I won her cool giveaway a little over a month ago and the book is finally available. It even comes with a CD to print on to fusible cool. Also...I received a VERY generous box from Lissa of Moda Lissa....a thank you for my participation on Moda Bakeshop. I was Floored. I had no idea she would send me anything...I mean I don't expect anything...and then for it to the most awesome stuff a quilter could ask for...just WOW! See that little Moda Bakeshop rectangle at the left corner? well inside is a set of desert recipe cards that coordinates with fabric lines. It is simply the best marketing stuff I have ever seen.

Now the Birthday....My Lil officially 2 today....She was having trouble blowing the she had some volunteers help her out.


  1. What a cute birthday girl!!! Look at all of that loot you got in the cool!

  2. What great mail...I just ordered a copy of "Fat Quarter Fonts" ...and it came looks like the coolest book!

  3. That Atkinson book looks really cool -- I'll be on the lookout for it in quilt shops. Happy Birthday Lil Elly-roo!

  4. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Happy Birthday wishes to your little sweetie-pie. :D

  5. A big Happy Birthday to little Elly! And what a great bunch of loot!!! What are those items from is hard to tell from the photo,

  6. Congratulations on your daughter´s birthday. Your daughters are so cute.

  7. Happy Birthday, Elly! Goodies received are awesome and that book! I have to hunt one down!

  8. I love your new book, I will have to go look for it. Those Moda people are so nice, I have met a few and they are truly that nice in person! I am happy for you!


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