Saturday, March 21, 2009

National Quilting Day!!!

I celebrated here in Vegas Yeh! I don't have my Nikon D80 here so the picture quality is a bit low...but I just couldn't wait to show my fabric haul. I went to Henderson to Quiltique. I found some great fabric there and the staff was awesome and friendly!
As it turns out I went to 3 quilt shops yesterday. First on my list was the Christmas Goose. They had tons of charm packs, honey buns, cupcakes...Moda patterns and wool galore. One problem...they were not friendly at all. They were in their own little world. Once I did decide to buy 1 charm pack and 1 yard of fabric, the gal met me at the cash register, she started to enter my purchase and mid-way turned around to speak to another employee. I stood there waiting for them to finish their conversation and then as if she'd forgotten what she was doing she turned around with a look like "oh you're still here.." totally rude in my opinion. I could have easily spent $$$ there...but I was disgusted by the 'feel' of the if me being there was an inconvience.

So I thought I'd head to Nancy's. That's quite a ways out in terms of driving in Vegas. I did not buy anything there. No one said hello to me while I was in the store or asked if I needed's as if I wasn't there. It was strange. So I checked my face in the car and my clothes. I was wearing black pants, pink top...clean, no food in my teeth....I look normal. So the only reason I could come up with is that they didn't need my I didn't buy anything there.
I made a stop at Micheals (we no longer have one near us) and Jo-Ann's...but left empty handed. Total bummer...until I stopped at Borders books. Gracie wanted a Petal Fairy book.
So I'd say overall I found some good things, with a few 'bummers' in between. Here are some pics of my loot. I plan on making some really cool things for MODA bakeshop tutorials...I've got to get sewing!!!.
Wow...Fresh is so beautiful...I didn't grasp it looking online...when I saw it in the Fabric Boutique...I HAD to have it.

Both gals at the Fabric Boutique were friendly but didn't hover....they had sales! yes 20% off anything with red in it...that certainly helps. There was a different feel to this shop. So I bought a few things, Thangles for my MIL, a few yards of Oh Cherry Oh!, Fresh! and Patisserie. I behaved kind of.

Like I said, I've got an aweful lot of sewing to do! oh I am sooo excited. I have a million ideas ....


  1. You made some great choices, from the shops that earned you sales. We consumers do have the last say......Oh I think you were very good, the patisserie would put me over the edge. What is in the Moda Bake Shop box. They make your mouth water with the clever names.

  2. I am glad you had a good experience at least at one quilt shop. Too ba the other's weren't friendly, since it cost them to lose a sale. You did good and I love the choices you made. I may have to get some of that Swanky fabric. It looks so cool! How was the rest of your trip?

  3. Moda has some great lines out right now, don't they?? Love your loot...happy sewing.

  4. When they act like that to me I just sweetly say to them, I guess you don't need my money and walk out. What you did get is great! Wish our quilt shop carried moda like this. I have to drive through 3 towns, 25 miles all city traffic to get to one that does.

  5. Nice choices! Now. Get sewing!

    Hope you're enjoying Vegas!

  6. Hi Vickie, I wonder what goes through their minds at those times and also if the owner of the shop is there. Is that okay with them?? It wouldn't be okay in my book. When I worked at a shop the first thing on my list was always to greet the customer when they walked in the door with a pleasant hello and if you need any help, please let me know. But you did come away with some nice things after all, I just wish your experience had been better. Can't wait to see what you will make.

  7. I'm so sorry you had a bad experience at two of our local least Quiltique was good to you!

  8. I love all the fabrics you bought. It's too bad that you got unfriendly service.

    I bought some great fabrics at my quilting event that my guild was a part of yesterday. Moda was every where and I told everyone about the moda bakeshop website.

    I can't wait to see what you make with everything!

  9. Glad your trip was not a total all your about your experience with often wonder if you should say...could I speak to your superviser I need to place a response to your service today? but then would it be worth the trouble

  10. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Beautiful charm packs! That sales cashier at the quilt shop who was too busy chatting to give you attention to ring up your sale was nothing but rude and that type of behavior irritates me to no end. What are people thinking when they do that. I don't blame you for not continuing to shop in places where they are unprofessional and unfriendly. With today's economy I would think they couldn't afford to lose customers. Thank goodness most quilt shops have kind and attentive sales people who wish to help in any way they can.

  11. Looks like you had a great time Vickie -- can't wait to see what you come up with. (And btw, I'm sure you've heard this before -- I'm thinking you should change your name to Mid-Ohio Quilter LOL!)

  12. We have a shop here in Reykjavík that has a very rude owner, I hate that kind of shops.

  13. hey you changed your blog name.

    i HATE it when quilt shop staff's are cranky, especially when you are ready to drop alot of dough!!!

    you really made out though.

  14. Looks like you have some beautiful fabrics, I can hardly wait to see what you put on the Moda Bake Shop!

  15. I ran across your blog when I was on ModaBakeShop...I live in Vegsa. I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience at the Christmas Goose. They're usually very kind--maybe give them a second chance when you're back in Vegas?

  16. i love your fabric. you just described my visit to a new local quilt shop. needless to say, i probably won't be back. i can't wait to see what you make.


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