I was given a Kindle for Mother's Day....I LOVE it...it is just the coolest thing to download a book in less than 30 seconds. I am hooked.... I thought I would read one or 3 of Janet Evanovich's books. I had not read the Stephanie Plum series....so on Kindle I was able to get the first 3 together for a reduced rate. That was May 28th.
Today is June 11...I'm on #11.....
So IF you are wondering where I've been...well my nose is in my Kindle..reading ALL about that Ranger hottie and Joe Morelli....whom we all secretly wish really exist. Oh and we are on a short vacation this weekend too. Yippee..and I did bring sewing...mostly hand sewing. I have several items I am working on slowly....tutes soon...I hope..if I can stop reading long enough to take the pictures.

I so love the Stephanie Plum series. You know she has a new book "Finger Lickin' Fifteen" coming out June 23! Enjoy!
I love this series! I am anxious for 15, just a bit longer!
My mom keeps telling me I need to read this series and that is is really fun. I guess I must do so with such a great review. Enjoy your mini vacation.
i was thinking about getting a kindle... but there is just something about holding a book in your hands and i don't think i'm ready to give up!
Stephanie Plum ROCKS! Even if she is an idiot sometimes. My husband even enjoys this book series (I listen to audiobooks. No time to read!). One book I love Ranger the next book Moreli. It's just sooo hard to chose!
I love Stephanie Plum books, too! Her latest will be out this month. Glad you discovered the series!
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