I planted these beauties from seed this year. The stake I made with the type of flower was apparently pulled out by my 2 year old. Any gardener out there know what these flowers are?

I know pathetic I don't just 'know' what they are....I'm not so much a green thumb yet...but I'm working on it. Speaking of working. I have been designing up a storm here. I am seeing a new Moda bakeshop project coming real close to September 17th...
The top picture looks like zinnias to me!
The top flower, I believe is a zinnia. The bottom one looks a lot like hibiscus, but I don't think those grow in Ohio and the leaf doesn't look hibiscusish.
The first one looks like a zinnia to me also, the second looks like variety of geranium.
i wouldn't know. i'm allergic to flowers.. all of em... well not fabric ones!
The top one is definitely a zinnia but not sure about the 2nd.
Another one confirming the top one as zinnia ;) Not sure about the bottom one. Gorgeous flowers!
The top one is a zinnia and the bottom is a hollyhock...both super-pretty! :)
I agree with Momawake after a debate in or house on what they were.
Vicki, The top is definitely a Zinnia, and the bottom sort of looks like a hibiscus. But I am not sure on this one.
The top one is definitely a zinnia as most people pointed out. The bottom on does kind of look like a holly hock leaf, but the flower is looking like some sort of mallow or lavatera (same thing) to me. If the leaf gets rust then it is definitely a holly hock, they are so pron to rust especially this time of year.
The bottom one looks like a hollyhock to me too.
Well I'm with everyone that the top one is definitely a zinnia and I'd bet money the bottome one is a hollyhock. Yours is a single bloom and they also come in a double. Good job on the green thumb. If you cut back the hollyhock it will come back next year. Or it does in our climate. Kathie
Pretty, pretty zinnias on the top. Mine are hot pink and are doing wonderful this year, too. The bottom one I have seen but not totally sure of its name. It is beautiful, though!!
Why not take a cutting to your nearest garden centre they should be able to identify them for you;)
The second one is a hollyhock. They are biannuals and take 2 years to bloom. There will be some seed pods on the stalk ... some should be dried now .... open the the pod and spread the flat seeds on the ground and you will have plants next year and then blooms the following year. I've been doing this with mine for a few years now and I have plants that are in bloom now and others for next year. I will be seeding again soon for 2 yrs. from now.
Beautiful flowers Vickie -- by now you know what they are LOL!
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