Thursday, November 26, 2009

400th - ish post giveaway.....

Comments are now closed.

It's my 405th post! So I didn't realize how far over 400 I really was...but Wow! 405 I can't hardly believe it myself.
I have been kinda holding on to some cool stuff that I picked up at market just for this etc.
10 FQ's of FreeBird by MoMo

(2) Fat Quarter packs of 1930's fabrics of my choice 
 {but they will awesome! ;) }

Jelly Roll of MakeLifeSweet

1 yard border fabric plus 2 charm packs of Summer's Basket of Flowers fabric.

So if you'd like to win one of these 5 awesome prizes....
Here are the 5 ways you can win.
1. leave a comment on this post, make sure your email is accessible via your profile or you include it with your comment so that I may email you if you are a winner.
2. become a follower of my blog/website leave me a comment to let me know. If you are already a follower comment to let me know :)
3. follow me on twitter and let me know you are by leaving a comment too.
4.Tell me what tutorials you would like to see here and leave me a comment :)
5. Blog about my giveaway and leave me a comment with the link.
I will use a random number generator to choose the 5 winners on Saturday, December 5th.  Good Luck!!

And yes you have read correctly. I have changed by blog to Spun Sugar Quilts. I decided on a name that was more quilt related. I hope you like it.


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~Laurie~ said...

Just finished the turkey dinner and came by to say hello and wowee - what a nice give-a-way to find! Congratulations on your blog success :)

antique quilter said...

wow thats a lot of posts!!!!
LOve the 30's fabrics!!!!
I have been a bloglines subscriber for a very long time
yes I am a google follower now and looked at your blog , when you click on the links it just refreshes your page to your blog
Love the cupcakes btw!

~Laurie~ said...

I am already a follower, but I signed up again - just in case it's different with the new name (which by the way sounds nice!)

Annabelle said...

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!! I am so thankful for bloggers with great taste!!

~Laurie~ said...

OK - this is the last time I'll comment here - just posted about your giveaway here:

Thanks so much for a chance to win!

Jen said...

Wow, that's a lot of blogging!!! I've been a subscriber for a while and enjoy reading your blog. Nice website too. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

luv2quilt2 said...

Wow what a giveaway! I am already a follower, and clicked on the link to go to your website, but it just refreshes this page, so I guess I'm already there!

Janet said...

Congrtulations, what a milestone. What a wonderful lot of prizes. I'm already a follower. Thanks for the chance.

Jocelyn said...

Wow what a great giveaway! Congrats on reading 400 posts. Thanks for entering me.

Jocelyn said...

I've just signed up to follow :-) And it ooks like a great blog to follow.

Jocelyn said...

I tried to go to your website, but it just brought me back to the blog page. Is there a different link??

Suburban Stitcher said...

wow, that's a very generous giveaway! I'm personally hoping for some of that momo it! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Suburban Stitcher said...

I'm a follower of your blog!

Suburban Stitcher said...

I'm a follower of your twitter!

Suburban Stitcher said...

Love the new blog/website look! Very fresh and nice :)

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Love your giveaways!

Unknown said...

I thought I was a follower, but didn't see my pic. I am one now!!!

Unknown said...

I already follow you on twitter!

paulette said...

Wow! Congratulations on 405 postings!! I love your give-away!! Love the fabrics!!
Please throw my name into the hat! Thank you!

paulette said...

Yes! I am a follower! Please throw my name into your hat again!
Thank you!!

Unknown said...

I just posted on my blog about your giveaway. Hope I did it the right way. If not, maybe you can tell me how!

Unknown said...

Well, how about the coaster tute I asked you to do awhile back. If you don't remember, we can talk.

Sarah DeSalvo said...

I would love to win! I always enjoy reading your blog - even with a new name you are just as sweet!

Sarah DeSalvo said...

I subscribe with Google Reader.

shannon said...

wow! 405 posts! congrats!

i am a follower... (one)
i am leaving a comment (two)

cool giveaway items!!!

i like reading your blog!

Terry said...

Great giveaway! Congrats on your 405th post! :0)

Terry said...

I've become a follower too, although I have always followed you in my Google reader! Thanks again! :0)

Terry said...

I guess this isn't going to be very helpful because I can't think of any one tutorial I'd like to see at the moment! Most of them come in handy though as I'm a beginner and am learning as I go! :0)

Evelyn said...

Congrats on 600, and hope you're enjoying Iowa! Thanks for such a generous give-away. I'm crossing my fingers for the 30's pack. :-)

Evelyn said...

Whoops - I meant 400! No pressure, really. :-) And, I'm already a google subscriber...

Jonathan said...

Congratulations on 400 (and 5) posts;-)
What a generous giveaway!

Jonathan said...

I'm a new follower:-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats. Love the new name. I'm a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was a follower....but checked again and apparently wasn't? I check your blog often so how can that be...hmmmm. Your giveaway is lovely and so generous. Some serious blogging. Tee Hee
Hope you had a wonderful turkey day today. I'll go post on my blog now.

Michelle said...

Congrats on your 405th post! What an awesome giveaway!

Needled Mom said...

Congratulations on passing 400. That is quite an accomplishment. Do you feel as though you have written a book already?

Great giveaway.

Needled Mom said...

I just signed up to be a follower.

Needled Mom said...

I would love to see poats on how to quilt something when it is all pieced. I hate it when they say "quilt as desired" as I do not know where to begin.

Mandy said...

I just love your blog! Congrats on 405 posts! I'm still working on the first 100 lol!

Mandy said...

I became a follower too! Maybe you could visit my blog if you have a chance?

paulette said...

I just blogged about you so I'm in for another entry! Thanks so much for the chance to win these wonderful prizes!

Mandy said...

I would really like to see some tutorials for beginners. I'm kinda an intermediate beginner. I have a lot of stuff to do for the 1st time but so far everything has worked out ok.

I would like to see some tutorials on attaching borders, oh and how to cut out a long boarder with a rotary cutter and not make a mistake!

fancystitching said...

400 posts... CONGRATS!! And what an awesome giveaway... I would love to have any of those items!!

fancystitching said...

I am already a follower. Thanks for a great give-away!

Kat said...

Congratulation in 400+ posts. What an achievement! I especially love all your scrap quilts.

Kat said...

I am also following your blog

Kat said...

and following on Twitter

Unknown said...

I am a follower
I love the new name and that is certainly alot of posts

Betsy said...

Vickie I would just love to win those autumn colored fabrics. They would be great for my pumpkin quilt. Congratulations on your 400th post. I have been a follower.

Jilly's Space said...

wow, what a GREAT giveaway!!
I am already a follower, that is how I saw your giveaway :-) and is my comment, lol
I would love to see a cool placemat tutorial...something not to complicated :-)

Cheri C. said...

Well, I don't have a blog. So, I'll just give this a chance and see what happens... Thanks for offering such great giveaways.

Sherri said...

Congrats Vickie!!!! And such a great giveaway...the Momo and Make Life Sweet especially!!! You know I follow your blog...and follow on twitter as well..Happy Thanksgiving!

Carla said...

Well congrats on so many posts!!! What a great giveaway. I love that brown momo fabric. I'm already a follower. :)

Carla said...

I've just blogged about it too. :) Sorry I don't twitter but I got 3 LOL

Ginny Worden said...

I'm impressed that you have made that many posts. Looking forward to more.

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

Congrats on your 405th post. I am only 403 posts behind you! The giveaway is so, so generous. Thank you!

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I am also a subscriber to your blog. Thanks again for the giveaway!

Noela said...

What lovely prizes. I would love to have a chance of winning one. Congratulations on the number of your blogs. I have been blogging almost a year, got a way to go to reach 400.

Unknown said...

I just found your blog, and will definitely be back to see what you are up to. I would love to be entered in the giveaway.

Noela said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

400 Wow!! That is amazing, thank you for this chance!

Diane H said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.

Diane H said...

I'm now a follower and look forward to it!

HElen said...

What a great giveaway! Congrats on 405 posts! Thanks a lot for a chance to win!

Noela said...

I have just done a blog post about your giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win one of these great prizes.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Count me on board! I love a give away.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I am now a Spun sugar Quilt Follower!

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

For a tutorial, I'd like to see how to feel less stuffed while reading your blog after a big Thanksgiving dinner!

quiltmom anna said...

You have chosen some lovely fabrics to share in your giveaway.
Thank you for your generosity- you are going to make quilters very happy when you choose their name.

Warmest regards from a Western Canadian Quilter,

Jo said...

Wow!! Looks like fun fabric. I would love something new to create with. Congrats on your successful blog.

Needled Mom said...

I posted a link to this on my blog.

Unknown said...

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I like your new name for your blog. Lots of great prizes, and believe it or not, I didn't get any of those at market. So I would be happy to win. Thanks for sharing your goodies.

Unknown said...

Vickie, You know I am a faithful follower no matter where you put your blog or what name it becomes. Congrats on 400!!

Sherry said...

I have been followering you for awhile now and I think what your bloging about is just great. Keep up the good work and I will keep checking in. Love your new name.

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Wow! Congrats!!

Thanks for the chance! Great giveaway.

You know I'm a follower already. ;)

PunkiePie (Jen) said...


PunkiePie (Jen) said...

One more... More pincushions! And how to attach zippers! I can use some more coaching in that department. LOL!

Janice said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! Congrats on 405 posts, Wow!! What a fabulous giveaway.

Meghann said...

Happy Thanksgiving:) And thank you so much for such a great giveaway. I have been reading your blog for about 4 months now and really enjoy it. Congrats on your 405th post...that is certainly a lot of posting.

Lotta said...

Great giveaway you're having! Congratulations!
Lotta in Sweden

Lotta said...

I'm already a follower and that gives me hope that I'll get one more chance to win,
Lotta in Sweden

knittinbrit_in_wi said...

That's rather a lot of yummy prizes.

I'm going to have to sign up to follow, but I've had you listed on my blogroll for a while now.

knittinbrit_in_wi said...

Tutorial: Applique!!! It always imtimidates me. Any help would always be appreicated.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I like your new blog name Vickie! It's so sweet!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

And you know I'm a follower of your blog!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

And you know I'm also a follower on twitter!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I would like to see a tutorial on machine quilting.

Dandelion Quilts said...

Happy Thanksgiving...and congrats on your belated 400th post. :) Totally awesome. I always enjoy your blogs and your tutorials on MBS. Thanks for the inspiration, Vick.

Dandelion Quilts said...

I am a follower now.

Dandelion Quilts said...

And I am off to post on my blog...Dandelion Quilts.

Chris said...

I just became a follower... congrats on 400 posts!

Melissa ;-) said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Very generous!

Chris said...

As far as tutorials that I would like to see... some interesting hot pads or possibly a small wallet or pouch.

WoolenSails said...

Lots of wonderful fabrics, could have fun with that.
I am now a follower. Love learning new things, still working on making a better binding.


HMaas said...

Congrats on over 400 posts!!!
Gotta love a fabric giveaway!

HMaas said...

I am a follower

HMaas said...

I would love to see tutorials on machine quilting - different patterns, tips or tricks.

Puddles of Grace said...

Happy Thanksgiving and congrats on so many posts to your blog! Lets see... I have added my name to your followers, I have posted about you on my blog,( I dont tweet so I cant do that but I do love your tutorials (found you thru Moda) and would love to see anything that would make great gifts, like you pin cushions etc.!

Anita said...

Congrats on your 400th post. Happy holidays.

Kersten said...

Happy 405th! That is awesome!

Kersten said...

I follow you on my google reader, does that count?

sweetbabies00 said...

Nice changes to your blog. Congrats on 400+ posts!
I am a follower now.

Tutorials, I'm getting a puppy tommorow, so how about some dog items?

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

Wow count me in! Very nice blog and giveaway.

Irene said...

Fantastic giveaway!! ^_^ Let's count me! And I'm a new follower too.

Mrs. Jackie Sue said...

Congrats on all your posts!!! and yummy fabric! You are very kind!! Thank you for the giveaway, count me in!

I also became your 115th Follower!

Jackie at

Liz said...

So glad to be a follower now! Look at all those gorgeous fabrics!!

Gill said...

wow! what a very generous giveaway - count me in please

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Giveaway.
I am already your follower.
I'll post your details on my blog.
Please count me in for a chance to win!
PS: The new LOOK is great!

carmel said...

congrats on the 405th post!! wow!!
and what a exiting giveaway you are haveing! i would love to win!!

carmel said...

and i am already a follower

carmel said...

and i would love to see a tutorial for some quilted baby toys. i think that could be very cool!

carmel said...

and yes- i blogged about your giveaway

Lissa Jane said...

congrats on 400-ish posts! Hope you had a great turkey day..

what tutorial? I love little purses and and sewing whatnots.. how about a pincushion/needlebook/sewing tote combo? or just cushion/throw for the lounge?
I have sub'd to your blog for so long now, and enjoy reading what you are creating !

Lilly said...

Congrats on your posts!!! That's great.
And thanks for this lovely giveaway!
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 400-ish posting ^_^ And thanks for this lovely giveaway: the prizes are awesome!

Astrid said...

I AM a follower and love your blog. And I love the Freebird FQ's and the MakeLifeSweeet Yelly Roll, hope I'll win one of them;0)

nadelmaus said...

Oops, it doesn't work! So you can contact me here

cathy said...

wow congrats on 400 posts thats great, what a nice give away it would be amazing to win it, happy holidays

annemarie said...

Wow what a giveaway hope I am lucky - congrats on 405 posts.

Unknown said...

Wowo over 400 posts that is awesome, congratulations.....Please enter me into your give-a-way.

Unknown said...

Hi Vickie I have become a follower on your blog and am very glad to do so...thanks


Unknown said...

Great looking fabric. Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I follow with Google.

Babs said...

Congrats on your 400-ish posts!
what great fabrics for giveaways!
I've been following for about a month. LOVE the new look!

Unknown said...

I blogged

zizzybob said...

I have been a bloglines follower for over a year now, but I just became a twitter follower. Please add me to the ever growing list of hopefuls.

Kitty said...

What a great contest! Thanks so much for hosting it!

Cathy said...

405 post that is a lot of sharing. What wonderful prizes to win. Christmas could come soon.

Carrie P. said...

What a great giveaway. Happy Anniversary. That is a lot of posts.
I am here via Mary at Quilt Hollow.

Beth said...

Happy over-400-posts!

Beth said...

I follow you in Google Reader!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I never thought I would be a fan of 30s fabrics but the more I see them, the more I find that I love them :)

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I follow you on twitter :)

Loralynn said...

What a fantastically wonderful giveaway! Love it!

Loralynn said...

I am now a follower

Loralynn said...

I am now following you on twitter

Loralynn said...

For tutorials, anything quick that makes good gifts is always a winner in my book!

Rafael's Mum said...

What an wonderful giveaway and amazing to get to 400! I have you in my bloglist but am entering the new name straight away!

Rafael's Mum said...

I am following you through google reader now.

Carol said...

Hi Vickie, love all of your prizes and I would be happy to win any of them. I just signed up to follow your blog. I don't twitter. As for tutorials, I would like to see table runners and tote bags.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 405! What a great blog and a generous giveaway!

Vicky said...

What a give-away! You're such a sweetie to do this!

Okay, I've blogged about you and following you. And I would love to see a tutorial on mitering borders as that's next up on the WIP list.

Congrats on over 400 blogs!

Gretchen said...

Congrats on 405 posts!!! I keep up with your blog in google reader and now signed up to follow too. Love the MoMo fabric! How about a tutorial on the easiest, quickest way to baste a lap-size quilt if you don't have a large table--I have several I need to do for Christmas gifts.

Pokey said...

Congratulations on 405 posts, wow! I am a follower, and I'll post on my blog. Thanks for the enticing giveaway. I love the new blog name, there a story behind it?

Mountain Home Quilts said...

Wow- all of these are fabulous! Please include me!

Mountain Home Quilts said...

I am now a follower of your blog! :)

Cathy said...

I just discovered your blog. You have lots of great ideas here. And 400+ posts - wow!

Kathryn said...

I'm another new reader of your blog. Your giveaway looks great. kathryn dot laposata at gmail dot com

Kathryn said...

I've just added myself as a new follower, and look forward to the next 400ish posts. kathryn dot laposata at gmail dot com

Pauline said...

Would love to be a lucky winner! Thanks for the opportunity.

Sandy said...

What great treats you are giving away....congrats on all of those posts...I know I have enjoyed them!

Sandy said...

I signed up to be a follower...thought I was, but evidently I wasn't. Love your new name!

Anonymous said...

What a nice giveaway, I'd like to be included please! And I like the new name of your blog too!

DebrafromMD said...

Wow! I love the 30s fabrics. Congratulations on your blog numbers.

Rachael Adele said...

Gorgeous! I love the MoMo. Thanks for being so generous!

Rachael Adele said...

I'm also a longtime follower.

sophie said...

Congrats on your 400-ish milestone.

sophie said...

I also am a subscriber of your interesting blog.

joan said...

Love your blog... and what a great giveaway! Congratulations on your 400th post. I am a follower

Erin said...

Wow, what a fabulous giveaway! I hadn't heard of your blog until today, when I saw a link to this post. I've added you to my Google Reader to follow. I'm looking forward to catching up. :)

Natys said...

hey great giveaway!!!! love those fabrics
Mr random pick me pleaaaase

that picture at the bottom with all the jelly rolls, allways makes me smile

Natys said...

im a follower already

Natys said...

I would like to see a tutorial of hand quilting. here we dont have quilting tools so, id relly like to see how to do it by hand.
In fact almost any tutorial with lots of pictures is very welcome, i learn patchwork and quilting with blogs videos and forums.

Thanks for ask

Linnea said...

What a great giveaway! Would love to win…

Have blogged about it and I am a follower too:)

Alyson said...

What a fun giveaway, I follow your on my google reader all the time. Congrats on 400th blog post!

Unknown said...

This is such an amazing and generous giveaway!! Five possible winners?! That sure puts me in the festive spirit *smiles* I would love to win!!

Unknown said...

I am now following your lovely blog *winks*

Unknown said...

I am now following you on twitter. Here is my twitter:

I'm a wee bit lazy about twittering but I am there :)

Unknown said...

I would like to see pin cushion tutorials and/or other small projects like quilted table toppers.

nicoledemana crafts said...

wow you have been busy 405 posts congrats I would love to recieve any of the amazing prizes and I would love a tut on bags prob my fav things at the mo cheers:) love Nicole x

Unknown said...

Finally *drum roll please* I blogged about your generous giveaway here:

nicoledemana crafts said...

i have become a follwer of you fab blog thanks for the opp love Nicole x

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Happy 400 plus! Great giveaway you got going on over here.
I of course have followed you and your blog forever!!! lol

Julia said...

Congrats on 400+ posts..
I love the 1930's fabric...I use a lot of it on my projects..
I thought I was a follower...well I am now!
Julia ♥

Nancy said...

Love your blog. I just became a follower.

rebecca said...

Congrats on the blog anniversary!!

I enjoy following your blog!

I would like to see a tutorial on quilt labels.

Stitched With Prayer said...

405!!! That's certainly a bunch and I'll bet everyone of them is wonderful. I hopped over here from Laurie's 'yankee quilter' blog (thanks Laurie for the tip), and now I have a new wonderland to explore. Woooo hoooo, I love blogland! Your giveaway is so generous. Wonderful prizes, thanks for a chance to have one of these treasures. Good Luck Everyone!!! Now, I'm off to explore more of your terrific blog. OH, I am now a follower too and glad of it. Thanks again!

Stitched With Prayer said...

OOPS! I think you can get my email from my Google ID but just incase, it's (yes, it's a nickname...hubby started calling me that 42 years ago and it just stuck, LOL)

The Fam said...

Oh I would love some 1930's fabrics!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

Kari V. said...

Congrats! I follow you in my rss feed.

Julie S said...

What beautiful fabrics in that first picture! You are very generous in your giveaway!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

What an awesome giveaway! I'm thrilled that you've reached your 400 post milestone. I've enjoyed following you.


Deborah in Atlanta said...

I'm a follower - love your blog!


Deborah in Atlanta said...

Tutorials I'd like to see - things that seem simple to you but are difficult to me: 1) how to do the stitch in a ditch, 2) how to look at a pattern and know what fabrics will look good, 3) the thought process that goes into figuring out what would look good as a border and binding,. Are you seeing the direction I'm going in? I seem to be able to do the necessary sewing, but when I finish, I'm never pleased with the results. I stand there and look at the finished product and I think, "Why doesn't it look any better? Why don't I have the 'vision' the other quilters have to know what will look good together?"


SandyQuilts said...

1. leave a comment on this post, Congrats on your 400+ posting ... WOW

2. become a follower of my blog/website I use to track my favorite blogs ... you're listed.

4.Tell me what tutorials
A nice bag with a real separate bottom would be so nice.

Thanks for a wonderful giveawy.

Melissa C said...

Thank you for the chance. That is a list of some really cool prizes.

Melissa C said...

I am a follower of your blog.

spidr said...

Congrats on your blogging milestone! That's amazing! I'd love to win one of your goodies; thank you so much for your generosity!

Sunshine said...

Hi, congrats on your 400th+ post :)

Sunshine said...

I'd love to see more tutorials about string quilts! Great fabrics in your give-away, by the way, love MoMo designs and Moda fabrics especially!

Anonymous said...

yay for 400 posts!

::dances around throwing scraps in the air::

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower/subscriber! I catch ya on my reader. :-D)

Anonymous said...

tutorials? heck, i'm a beginner so anything would be cool. Any tips on designing your own quilts? (special math tricks?)

Anonymous said...

Just found yur blog and am now I Follower.
well done on your 405... post what a great giveaway.

Blogging is so much fun and I have met so many wonderful people.
1930's are my weakness, I have made three quilts with them adn my next one will be a DWR quilt.


Nicole said...

Congratulations to your 400th post.


Shelina said...

Congratulations on your 400th post, and your 401st, and your 402nd..etc.
Great giveaway.

beth said...

Lots of people want that do I. :)

Vivian said...

Congratulations on reaching such a milestone. Wow!

And thank you for the chance of winning some incredible fabric! Yay!

Vivian said...

Greetings! me again.

I just became a follower to your blog. I look forward to getting to know you better!

Di said...

Congrats on the redesign and so many posts! I'm a follower via RSS.

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