Wednesday, December 09, 2009

My REAL first quilt

I was searching through my Barbie Doll items from when I was a girl.  I wanted to give my almost 9 year old some of my furniture and clothes I had been saving.  What I found in the plastic bins was more than I had bargained for.  I had forgotten that my REAL first quilt was in with the Barbie stuff. I hadn't opened that container in atleast 5 years. Here it is. Yep, beautiful eh?
There are squares, rectangles and the sort. This   WAY   pre-rotary cutters and mats.  I used any scraps my mom would allow.  In fact, most of the fabrics were from pajama flannels she used for our pajamas! and there is a pink dotted swiss that I made my first skirt of.  It is a walk down memory lane.

Here's the back....more flannel. There is a part that is coming un-sewn...I might leave it that way because you can see that instead of batting I used fabric scraps to stuff it.

I made this 'bedding' set for my Barbie's too. It's reversible... Made of scrap flannel - Mom's scraps again.

This was made out of extra fabric from pre-printed pillow fabric. Ah can you see the quilter in me already???

And my first hand stitched doll pillow.
I found some other interesting Barbie style items that I'll share with you another day.
For now, I hope you enjoyed seeing where I came from in my sewing abilities in the last 24 years!

p.s. today is my Mom's Birthday! Happy Birthday!!! I sent her Pandora...what gal doesn't love Pandora??


Jocelyn said...

Happy birthday to your Mom!!

WoolenSails said...

It is fun to look back and see how much our quilts have changed over the years.


Anonymous said...

That's sweet... All my childhood stuff got thrown out. I did however, rescue my Raggedy Ann and a stuffed puppy for posterity.

Miriam said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom!

I have my old Barbie sewing somewhere too.
Lovely memories. :)

Thimbleanna said...

How exciting to have such a treasure! And to be able to pass it on to your daughter -- that's wonderful!

Melissa @Lilac Lane said...

Your first quilt looks and awful lot like my first quilt. I wonder if my mom still has mine . . .hmm

Amber Polk said...

That is so cute! I wish I still had stuff like that. I'm going to call my mom right now and ask if she has a stash somewhere for me to go through!

Unknown said...

What a blast from the past!!! Glad you kept this from your childhood.

Janet said...

What a happy find. I never kept anything like that. I love the bedding set.

Anonymous said...

It is so good to find the 'old' stuff!
I like the reversible bedding set.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Oh the memories!