Monday, February 07, 2011

Small green success.

So my weekend was productive.
I made 3 bindings.
I mainly wanted to finish my St. Patty's table topper.
 Then my quilter called and said he had my 2 quilts done.
With that I made the 3 bindings with high hopes of getting 3 quilts bound.
I machine quilted the St. Patty topper {Simplicity pattern by This & That},
bound it and washed it.
Here's some of the quilting. I am practicing more free motion.
I used to quilt my own quilts, but as time has become more scarce I backed off from that.
I lost skills along the way too :(
I hope to build them back up a bit and finish some of my smaller projects.

Here's the back. I used left over Shamrocks from another project that I made.
After I finished this little one, I decided to bind the Steamy Windows quilt that made.
After sewing the binding by machine and about to the hand stitching stage, I became ill.
I was so dizzy and nauseated that I was afraid to stand up!
I have a full blown cold now and the dizziness keeps creeping up on me.
I feel good that I finished the St. Patty topper.
I'd have liked to have finished more but it wasn't in the cards.
I was ill enough that I missed Glee. That made me a bit sad. I am hoping they show a re-run soon.
Okay I am off to work and tonight rest! I need it.


  1. Your bindings are beautiful! I love that black and white one especially! Sounds like a productive weekend for you. Nice shamrocks :) Hope you are feeling better soon.


  2. You quilt looks great! Sorry you are feeling bad :( Rest and get better soon :) Try to catch Glee when you can, it was a good one....I'm sure it will be on again soon. I think the Glee on Tuesday is new too, so don't despair!

  3. Rest and feel better soon!

  4. Hope you feel better soon, but to make you feel better now.. you do not need to wait for a re-run.. go to and watch Glee after they run on TV.. perhaps your episode is there for you. OR it will be soon.

  5. Go watch Glee right now on Hulu -- their player is better than Fox's!

  6. Hope you get lots of rest so you can go back tp your quilting. Hope your feeling better!

  7. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Rest, Vics, and nite quil! Love the St. Patties topper btw very cute! Hope you get better soon!

  8. Have you ever watched Glee on Hulu? It only becomes available the day after it airs on Fox, but the player is high quality, and it's free! :)

  9. I have yet to try free motion quilting. It looks so much more interesting than quilt in the ditch. Hope you feel better soon.

  10. This quilt just screams Ireland...You know I love it!

  11. Hope you are feeling better! I think you still got a lot done!

  12. feel better quickly!! hugs and get well wishes!


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