Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why I have been sidetracked

and getting back on track? and when?
Well I have been making small clothes for the dolls for a couple of weeks. It all started with the American Girl doll and birthdays. And actually it's a way to get my girls more involved in crafting. G is the artist. E is a wild 4 year old. It's quite a challenge keeping them both interested in this sort of thing.
At any rate, I have peaked their interest and fabric shopping together is better. Both girls have ideas about color and texture. It's educational for me to see how their minds work.
So here are a few items I have made with their input.
Orange boat tee is made with Moda City Weekend knit and the jumper is Moda corduroy that has been in my stash for a couple of years.

Here's the same cord jumper with a pink City Weekend knit tee.
The leggings were made from old under wear! Seriously.

{yes THEY were washed before I made the leggings}
Underwear are a great way to find small knit prints for doll clothes and leggings!!!

Now about getting back on track with quilting. It turns out that I have been sewing.
I just don't have anything to so for it yet. But later this week?? maybe some bindings and some quilt tops?
I can only hope.


  1. Cute! I love how involved your daughters are getting in the craft. I made a blanket for Amelia's "babies" over the weekend. She had a good time picking out the fabric and tell me the order in which to sew them.

  2. Doll clothes are a great way to use up those scraps from quilting! I made about 50 items of doll clothes for my granddaughter's American Girl doll for Christmas. It was so much fun! Making doll clothes is how I first learned to sew. It goes right along with quilting since you can use little scraps up making doll clothes.
    I am a new follower, by the way.

  3. Another great way to get tiny prints in knits is the thrift stoe and baby clothes.

  4. how cute are these girls. How big are the dolls. They look so small and very tiny work love the legging een if there made from unddies, Your girls must be loving this.

  5. So cute! And great that your girls are involved. I started sewing Barbie clothes when I was quite young....and have never stopped sewing. Great time to starts.
    Have fun.


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