Thursday, April 14, 2011

First block of my Dotty Dresden is shaping up nicely.
I have to applique the center into place and it's done.
I just placed it there to see what it will look like finished.
I NEEDED to see this happy block.

For me work is always changing and always a challenge and this week is no exception. It's stuff that is too complicated to write all about. It hasn't been "cancer" bad or anything, it's not great either. Unfortunately it affects the quilting mojo, the energy level and all that jazz. So blogging might get pushed to the back burner...then again maybe not as it is a creative outlet for me.
We'll see. I don't like to bring negetivity here.
 I like to keep it up beat and perky as I can. I have always felt that there should be a positive news network to counter balance CNN! That's my 2 cents. {wait maybe there already is???} 
Anyhow, will talk soon...when I have something....good grief ANYthing good to write about.


  1. Love the dotty Dresden!! Hope all is well and things perk up for you soon.

  2. Whenever life gets stressful I find my sewing space brings comfort. The block is so bright and happy it can't help but make you smile!

  3. Vickie, this is going to be a wonderful quilt!

    I hear ya about the job. I've had some challenges at work with a big role change. I find sewing, knitting and quilting a wonderful destresser but there are times when there is just nothing left at the end of the work day for anything creative.

  4. I know exactly how you feel about work. Hope to see you next week!

  5. Very pretty block, Vickie. I hope everything works out for you - whatever it is that is bumming you out.

  6. Hang in there! ~But He said to me, "My grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak." 2 Corinthians 12:9.~ Hope you find your happy place again soon. :0)

  7. Great block...hope your situation resolves itself.

  8. What an adorable block! The colors really stand out and the dots make it even more so! Love it!

    Hand sewing or knitting help keep my life more balanced during tough times. Hang in there!

    Hugs, Karen

  9. Love the perkiness of the dotty block!!

    You might try FOX news. If the news is bad, at least the gals are gorgeous and the men are soo handsome.

  10. I just bought the book for this pattern too. I can't wait to start it. It will be for my granddaughter.
    I hope things get better for you at work and you can have a few less worries.

  11. Your block turned out beautiful and it pops perfectly! I too am the same way about not blogging about the bad...but if there weren't the down times we'd never know how good we have it when all is right with the world : )I have a favorite quote that is taped to my computer so I can see it every day ~ it helps me in so many ways as simple as it is. It reads: Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard Battle ~ Plato

  12. Great looking Dresden. Love it.

  13. Sending positive vibes your way...the block is so cheerful!

  14. I was just doing research on Spanish Tiles for my daughter's second grade project and stumbled on your blog. So happy that I did! Your stacks of fabric look just like mine from my last visit to Joann's. I have a little fabric addiction- mainly vintage fabric. I'll be stopping by often, just wanted to say hello!

  15. your dotty dresden is divine, and I am in a similar situation health wise right now, but everything else in my life is wonderful, sometimes if it's you that needs the good news, just ask on your blog and we will post the happiness and goodness, blogging can be about receiving too, doesn't just need to be about giving!

    sending you all sorts of upbeat, happy sunshiney vibes from this side of the planet *hugs*

  16. Love your happy dotty dresden..:O))

  17. Dotty Dresden looks awesome. I´ve started quilting again and I really enjoy your blog. It´s a great cheerfull place where I can always find inspiration. Thanks Vickie !

  18. I can relate re: work (healthcare field .... thanks to medicare and all their mind numbing regulations you feel like your job is just sucking the life right out of you) .... so, anyway, my blog has been my "happy place" .... my little escape from reality ... (or at least I try to make it that way )
    Hang in there! (and I just LOVE that cheery dresden block you made!)

  19. Love your block...that is definitely a happy one! Hope your "life situations" get better. We all need to vent once in awhile...quilters/bloggers are the best and we understand!

  20. Your dresden is fabulous!


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