Sunday, May 22, 2011

looking ahead

View from my backyard...
I spent the weekend working my flower beds and vegetable garden.
I sprinkled only a small amount of sewing in to the mix.
It's Sunday night and I am whipped.
I sure wish I had more to show for the weekend but I just don't. :(
As for the rest of my week, well I can't say for sure.
I work a couple of days and then I have surgery on Thursday.
I have a feelin' that I won't be posting much this week.
My parents and sister are coming to help with my kids and the housework.
I hope to have a speedy recovery.
Oh and for those of you who are wondering what I am having done...
I might as well tell you,
It's an endovenous ablation. I have to undergo 2 surgeries per leg.
It's genetic and finally gotten to the point that I am in discomfort daily. I live on Ibuprofen.
So this is the first of 4. Once I know what to expect I think I will be less worried and stressed about it.
This also means prolonged standing (rotary cutting fabric) or prolonged sitting (at a sewing machine) is prohibited for about 10 days...whoa...
bring on the hand sewing projects......
okay enough out of me tonight...
this girl is off to bed early.


  1. At least you will be able to work on your hexagons! :0)

    Sending you wishes for a speedy recovery!


  2. I'll be thinking about you on Thursday. I hope it goes well and you will be so relieved at how easy it is, you won't dread the other three.
    Thank goodness for family!

  3. Thinking of you this week...good luck!

  4. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Wow...that doesn't sound like fun. I hope that the healing process is quick and you're back to yourself in no time at all!

  5. Good luck this week! I will be thinking about you! :)

  6. Vickie, best wishes to you and hoping for a speedy, painfree recovery. {{hugs}}

  7. Sending you positive vibes!

  8. That's good that your getting the surgery taken care of, hope all goes well. Nice that your sister And parents will be helping you. Hopefully you have some binding to sew and embroidery to do.

  9. Sending happy thoughts and many blessings your way for a speedy recovery!

  10. You are in my prayers for a speedy recovery!

  11. Hope your procedure goes well! My mom has awful varicose veins but they do not hurt so she has just dealt with wearing support hose at times. Take it easy and follow the doctors' orders :)

  12. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I hope you have a stash of hand projects, books and DVD's while you are recuperating!

    Deb from

  13. I just finished my 6 week recovery from surgery; hope your recovery is fast. best wishes!

  14. Super big hugs for you and best wishes for the surgery. I hope it will provide you with relief from your discomfort.

  15. Good luck with your surgery Vickie. I'm sorry you have to go thru it. Prayers be with you.

  16. Good luck with your surgery Vickie! I hope you have a speedy recovery!

  17. Break out those hexagons!! Take care for a speedy recovery.. feel better soon ;)

  18. I'll keep you in my thoughts as you undergo the first of four surgeries on Thurs. Hope your surgery is uneventful and that you heal rapidly!

    Hugs, Karen

  19. Saying prayers for a speedy recovery and hope you're back to sewing in no time.

  20. Best of luck with your op - and hope that your recovery is swift and includes a bit of standing up and sitting down ;-)

  21. I hope your surgeries go well. My seven year old just had her seventh surgery for her ears so I feel for you immensely. I will keep you in my thoughts.

  22. Speedy recovery dearie!!

  23. Good luck and speedy recovery!!

  24. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Wishing you a good, speedy recovery.

  25. You poor thing. Prayers that your surgery and recovery are speedy. Forget about the work part, you need to be able to sew!! Now I am off to google the surgery....even though I am an LPN, the venous part is all that I understand at this point. ;o)

  26. Vickie,
    I hope you have a speedy recovery and enjoy all the hand sewing! (I'm quite jealous about that part!) ;-)

  27. Hi Vickie, prayers and blessings for a speedy recovery, and do what the Dr. tells you to do and you will heal faster. Sandra

  28. May you heal fast and get the results you seek. Rest as they say to. Sewing can wait trust me no one else will do it for you so let it wait on you girlfriend. Let me know if I can help you in anyway. patty quilter000

  29. Hope it goes well for you. I just had an unplanned surgery and it has slowed me down. Glad you have your mom to help out.

  30. Best wishes for your surgery & recuperation.

  31. I'm glad you'll have family to help out. Speedy recovery and big hugs!

  32. oh, i hope this message finds you healing nicely and getting taken care of well by your family!! Take your time healing...we will be here!! =)

  33. I am sad to read this news, I hope and wish a speedy recovery,
    A hug.


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