Monday, May 30, 2011

my side table

I am slowly recovering here. And my best friend is my recliner LOL.
My daughter took a picture of the side table near the recliner so I could blog about it.
She's been a HUGE help and so were my parents.
They are gone now :(
Anyhow, I am slowly stitching by hand
 and with the pictures my daughter made I have some blog posts coming too.
Have a great Memorial Day!



  1. Hang in there and don't do too much too soon!

  2. Rest and Recover, Vickie! We want you back in top form soon! Take care, and give that daughter a big "well done" for her fine photo!!

  3. You sound like your doing OK Glad to hear that kepp it up.

  4. YAY for hand sewing! I can't wait to see what you're making! :)

  5. Happy Memorial Day to you too. Rest up and feel better soon!

  6. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  7. Really hope you have a quick recovery and surely your side table will help the time pass quicker.

  8. That looks like my type of side table for being laid up. Glad the recovery is going well.

  9. I am glad that you are recovering!
    How empty it must feel with your parents gone now.
    YOur daughter gave us a good impression of your side table.
    Enjoy the stitching by hand. I tried to figure out what you are making, but no, I really can't.

  10. Glad to hear that you're hand sewing and recovering. Your daughter is a good photographer! Get lots of rest and relaxation while you're healing.

    Hugs, Karen

  11. Glad to hear the worst is over and you are on the mend. Now just try to enjoy your recovery some.
    Blessings Sandra

  12. Happy to hear you are in the road to recovery. Take it easy!!!

  13. Aren't you glad you're into quilting and not jogging? At least you have something to do while you recuperate. Take it easy and just enjoy having to rest!

  14. I'm happy to hear you are on the mend...both your body...and some sewing/quilting projects?!

    Deb from

  15. Definintely take it easy and don't do too much too soon!

  16. Oh no what happened???? Did you get hurt??? Did I miss something???


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