Wednesday, June 01, 2011

the books of market

Yep totally sweet stitchery book by Anni Downs for Hatched and Patched.

Love this bag...
And quilt...
and neck roll....
one of my BEST book finds at market.
There were just a 'few' others ;)

The French Inspired Home by French General Kaari Meng

So needless to say I have had some great eye candy while I have been laid up.....
but did you notice that I didn't get Fresh Fabric Treats?
 I have a project in it and I didn't get a copy!
I think??? I am suppose to be getting one...LOL soon??? not sure.
But I DO know you all should get a copy so you can see which project was mine ;)


  1. Hi Vickie. I always come home from market with more books than fabric. I'm missing that this time! Can't wait to go back this fall.

  2. Oh! I love that bowler looking bag! I think I need this book just to make it! Fresh Fabric Treats is on my buying list too.

  3. Hi Vickie.
    I'm the winner from back in January of the book and fat eighth bundle. Does that mean I should be getting my book soon, too? I'd begun to wonder about it.

  4. Hope you are feeling better! Thanks for sharing the book and other eye candy! Hope you're back in your sewing room soon!

  5. I love that bag, too. Do you think you will make it soon?


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