Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fresh Fabric Treats Book Signing

I will be signing Fresh Fabric Treats books at Quilter's Cottage in Garden City, SC on July 2 from 11am-12:30pm.
I will be bringing my quilt from the book, a new project that I have started from FFT book and a few other Moda Bakeshop projects that I have made.
The Quilter's Cottage will be having a sale the same day 30% off ALL fabric to 'sweeten' the deal.

For the confirmed list of book signings check the Moda Bakeshop site HERE.

If you are going to be vacationing in the Myrtle Beach area or live near this area in South Carolina please stop by as I'd love to meet you.


  1. Way to go Vickie! How exciting! Congratulations on this and your patterns!

  2. Anonymous6:33 AM

    How great for you, sounds like a winner :) Have lots of fun!

  3. Wish I could be there.

  4. Wish I could be there too! Love ya!

  5. Where can I purchase this book? It looks so good! I would love having one.


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