Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday Stash #15

Holly Hill by Laurie Bird for Windham Fabrics.

I found yards of these beauties while organinzing my sewing space.

Now what to do with them?

See I am still seasonally confused.


  1. Oooh, I just love the green bundle, and the red, can't wait to see what you do with them! you have great stash material!

  2. They look so pretty behind the cabinet door. I didn't realize there are so many colors and designs in that line. I had a couple half yard cuts of the blue ones, but I am really lovin' the red. I've made a few pouches out of the blues. They are so pretty!

  3. I know EXACTLY what to do with them. Ship them to me and I'll take care of your dilema!

  4. Lovelies, lovelies, all of them.

  5. Yummy greens! All of my stash is boxed up while we're in transition between homes... so I don't get to admire it much, so I prefer to admire everyone elses for now :-)


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