Wednesday, August 17, 2011

When life hands you potatoes.....

Make chips.

We are new-ish to gardening and decided that this year we would add potatoes to our repertoire.
So we quartered some from the pantry that had 'eyes' on them and planted.
Well my husband being not too knowledgable about planting...planted a summer squash right next to the potatoes.
The squash went like wild fire and basically smothered the poor potato plants.
We thought there were no potatoes that could have survived.
So last night we went out to dig out the now defunct summer squash....
and my hubby decided to pull the potatoes too.
Well wouldn't you know it.
Potatoes...lots of them.
Well lots for us.
So we made potato chips first and the rest? maybe American fries for dinner?
 I'm not sure but I am super excited that we got potatoes.
It was a treat to see my girls digging for them.
Next year we are planting them again, away from the Squash.

And this monster is from my heirloom tomato plants...
We have tomatoes coming out of our ears this year
guess I will have to try canning this year after all.....


  1. I just think having your own garden is wonderful!

  2. Yum! We alwaysmhad a garden as a kid, but as an adult, I have failed to grow anything successfully. Luckily, lots of my friends have gardens, so we enjoy their bounty every summer. There's nothing like fresh veggies!

  3. I love fresh veggies and they just seem to taste so much better when you grow them yourselves:) Enjoy your harvest!

  4. Make some picalli it's awesome.. My mom made it every year when people would give her all their green tomatoes and she's make jelly from all the grapes we got.. I think people wanted to make sure her 8 kids got fed :)

  5. How fun! I once had a habit of digging my kitchen scraps into the soil in my garden area. When spring rolled around and I started digging to get ready to plant, I found hundreds of baby potatoes that had grown from the eyes left on the peelings! It was like digging up treasure. We had baby potatoes with our green beans for a time after that!

  6. Yum. Homegrown tomatoes rule. I'[ll come over and take some off your hands...LOL!

    Salsa, bruscetta, soup starter....

  7. Good for you guys!! You will love the garden...I have always had a large vegie garden...canned all of our peas,beans,carrots...all of it for the have to make a 'hodgpodge'. In case you never heard of is new potatoes, peas, beans,,,carrotts if you like..cook them all together..then add a little onion, butter..salt and pepper,,whatever you like to flavour...and simmer them in cream...I use mostly milk; for the fat is soooooo delicious....

  8. How fun! Aren't garden wonderful?

  9. Homemade potato chips. YUM! I have no red tomatoes yet. LOTS of green ones.. no red. But we did plant late so there is still hope!

  10. Oh I did potatoes too. Maybe I will did them up this weekend see what I got. chips sound good Good job on the tomatoes. If you can't can this year, make stewed tomatoes. Just quarter, add onions, peppers and just let them cook down...oh they are sooo good and you can freeze them too.



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