Friday, February 03, 2012

Fave Pin Friday #11 Truth

Source: via Vickie on Pinterest

Lately I have been working through those inner demons....


  1. Oh my gosh, I've been trying stop comparing myself with others. It is so hard for me to just be happy. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

  2. I am floating in the same boat :)

  3. Been missing you around blogland. I hope all is well. I know. It's hard NOT to compare but I try not to. I would just drive myself crazy if I did.

  4. Oh Vickie! I think we all have this demon inside of us- I think it is the world we live in that tells us to be pretty/thin/talented/supermom...........I turn 50 this year and am finally,finally letting this go!! Hang in there girl - it gets better!!

  5. Great quote Vickie! Thanks for sharing!!! :)

    Hope all is going well!! :)

  6. I needed that today. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Ironic that this pin is on pinterest..the breeding grounds for comparison and self doubt! I won't sign up for that reason. Yesterday I had to make lemonade to use up our lemons (we have a tree) and I googled a recipe. They had styled the lemons/lemonade TO. THE. HILT. I start my lemonade and all the cuts from the lemon tree thorns felt really nice when I started juicing. I thought "yup, this is the crap they don't tell you about on pinterest!" :) You make beautiful stuff, are a mom, you are a full time dentist...separately those are accomplishments...together...WOW!

  8. Boy, what a true quote that is....for me anyway!

  9. Cathy Hostetler Newcomb7:48 PM

    Comparison is always the basis for inferiority.

  10. I think when we compare ourselves to others we take away the joy of being an individual. A good example is seeing people who thoughtlessly and openly compare children and their accomplishments. One child will always come out the loser and feel less worthy and a failure. We all have something to offer, no matter how great or how small. I look around the blogs I love and see so many worthy people who do such wonderful work in all sorts of mediums. Some of my favorite are works that are small yet I am in awe too of the great cathedrals and the pyramids. Thank you for sharing this quote. It is a good reminder.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  11. We are all different. Not better, not worse; just different.

    Kick out those demons and be you.


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