Sunday, October 21, 2012

Winner of Beginners Guide to Free Motion Quilting book

Beginner's Guide to Free-Motion Quilting

The winner was chosen by random number generator.
#62 Lisa E
Lisa E has left a new comment on your post
"Beginner's Guild to Free-Motion Quilting book tour...":
I'm definitely a beginner in the machine quilting arena. I can do a pretty good stipple but that's about it. I think this book would help me a lot!
Lisa, I have sent you an email.


  1. Thanks Jamie Lee for the congratulations. And thank you to Vickie, Natalia, and C&T Publishing. I'm very, very, very excited to win this book. From the start of the blog tour I have been coveting it. My week is off to a good start!

  2. Congratulations to Lisa.



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