Friday, June 28, 2013

oh lily

We have several lily's this year...

Burgundy Asian...
yellow day lily's
Pink Asian
and a few more that have yet to bloom.
They are very lovely this year!
Do you plant lily's?


  1. Lilies are my second favorite flower. I bought a whole bunch of bare root lilies from ebay this winter and am waiting for them to get big enough to start blooming. I love iris just a little more and have a whole bunch of those. Lilies bloom much longer but don't come in as many colors as iris. I wish they came in the dark purples. Your lilies are beautiful!

  2. Lilies are the only flower I've planted so far that have lasted in this Texas heat that I now live in. Stella D'oro's - love the sweet yellow look! I like that you have a variety of colors to enjoy - maybe I'll branch off next year and plant more!

  3. I love lily's! I have a few blooming now too. Unfortunately, the rabbit in the yard loves their leaves, so we have had a few 'discussions'. :-o

  4. Beautiful! We only have one lily (well, one growing outside, we grow a little furry Pekingese Lilly inside! LOL) The one I have is exactly like the first one you showed. It's been blooming this week and I'm really enjoying looking at it. The blooms will be gone in a day or two though, so I'll have to wait for next year to enjoy it again!

  5. Lilies are my absolute favorite flower. I have several varieties around my house and try to add at least one new one each year. I have a really pretty white one that has the thinnest black line around the edge of the petals. It's called "Eyeliner" lily.


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