Thursday, May 25, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend..... what are your plans?

If you follow me on Instagram then you know that lately I have been digging into ALL of my UFO's.
I have lists and lists. It's embarrassing enough that I won't tell you the grand total.

I've cataloged all kits, unfinished projects,
quilt tops that need quilting (Flimsy's),
Quilts that need binding and
items I am donating.
I was determined NOT to start another project until I got a handle on the UFO's.
Well that lasted about a week.
I did bind 2 quilts on my list BEFORE I started this new little mini...
but I really should stay focused on my UFO's for a little while longer.

While I was sorting scraps (part of this whole organizing thing) I noticed a fabric that I had with all 50 states on it.
Inspiration struck.
I decided to make another Temecula quilt Welcome Spring mini in red, white and blue.
This is the third welcome spring mini that I have made.
I did one in spring colors and one in Halloween/fall inspired colors last year.
They are small, quick,use only scraps and are totally addicting.
I EVEN hand quilted it!
I love to decorate for the season.
I always have and so with Memorial Day and soon after Fourth of July...
well why not look for some more holiday décor?

Target Dollar spot for the win...
love this wooden flag with all 50 states that I picked up just the other day.

So here's my patriotic mini again. I chose states with specific meaning.
Where we have lived and all close relatives.
This little project was just what I needed to stay on track on my organizing and UFO's.
I'm heading in to do some more sorting this weekend.
What are your memorial day plans?
I hope it involves a little making.

1 comment:

  1. That is fabulous. I love that state fabric. Happy Memorial Day weekend.


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